Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
theprocess | 0.0.7, 11 days ago | 2.2 | 2023-Jul-11 | The easy way to run external commands |
countries_currencies_languages | 2.0.1, 9 months ago | 2.2 | 2021-Jul-09 | Information about countries, currencies, and languages |
fast | 0.3.5, 5 years ago | 2.2 | 2013-Jul-01 | A library that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines. |
arturo | 0.3.9, 5 years ago | 2.2 | 2019-Sep-27 | Simple, modern and powerful interpreted programming language for super-fast scripting |
dqml | 0.6.1, 7 years ago | 2.1 | 2015-Sep-15 | Qml bindings for both D and Nim programming languages. |
vibegraylog | 1.0.4, 3 years ago | 2.1 | 2021-Dec-16 | A vibe.d logger that logs via gelf packages via udp to graylog |
darg | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2016-Jan-11 | D command line argument parser. |
dfix | 0.3.5, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2014-Nov-21 | Tool for automatically upgrading D source code |
east_asian_width | 1.1.0, 2 years ago | 2.1 | 2017-Mar-25 | Unicode library for getting East Asian Width property |
dscord | 1.0.0-beta.1, 5 years ago | 2.1 | 2016-May-18 | discord client library |
bindbc-nuklear | 0.5.1, a year ago | 2.1 | 2019-Jan-28 | Dynamic and static bindings to nuklear, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow. |
async | 0.2.11, 2 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-May-06 | A cross-platform event loop library of asynchroneous network sockets. |
hipreme_engine | 1.0.14, 11 months ago | 2.1 | 2023-Dec-21 | Open-Source D Game Engine |
tg-d | 0.0.2, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Aug-17 | Telegram Bot API client library for the D programming language |
jwtd | 0.4.6, 4 years ago | 2.1 | 2015-Jul-03 | D implementation of JSON Web Token. |
dimgui | 1.0.3, 5 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Nov-05 | dimgui is a D port of the imgui OpenGL GUI library |
lock-free | 0.1.2, 10 years ago | 2.1 | 2014-Jul-03 | Lock-Free data structures |
vasaro | 1.0.2, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Dec-09 | Your printable vase creator. |
excel-d | 0.5.12, 2 years ago | 2.1 | 2017-Mar-20 | Excel bindings for D |
icontheme | 1.2.3, 4 years ago | 2.1 | 2015-Jun-06 | Icon Theme Specification implementation |
fluent-logger | 0.1.2, 9 years ago | 2.1 | 2014-Aug-18 | A structured logger for Fluentd. |
hunt-net | 0.7.1, 2 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Jul-18 | A network library for hunt. |
openmethods | 1.3.4, a year ago | 2.1 | 2017-Jul-19 | fast, open multi-methods for D |
tfd | 0.0.5, 4 years ago | 2.1 | 2020-May-02 | TF for D |
ctpg | 3.0.2, 9 years ago | 2.1 | 2013-Sep-09 | Compile Time Parser Generator |
io | 0.3.5, a year ago | 2.1 | 2018-Feb-28 | Core I/O functionality. |
vibe-aws | 0.1.6, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Jan-05 | AWS client library for D |
jin-go | 2.0.1, 4 years ago | 2.1 | 2016-Mar-27 | Thread-pooled coroutines with lock-free staticaly typed communication channels |
loopx | 0.2.1, 3 years ago | 2.0 | 2021-Apr-08 | Tool for automatically extending music loops. |
djinn | 0.1.1, 3 years ago | 2.0 | 2021-Apr-08 | A templating language and code generator inspired by Jinja2 |
bancho-irc | 0.7.0-beta.1, 3 years ago | 2.0 | 2018-Feb-17 | osu! IRC & multiplayer lobby management library using vibe.d |
dgraph | 0.0.2, 9 years ago | 2.0 | 2013-Oct-21 | A library for creating, analysing and manipulating graphs (networks). It aims to be fast and memo… |
dinu | 1.0.2, 8 years ago | 2.0 | 2015-Dec-26 | Launcher, file manager, one-way terminal, IDE |
daemonize | 0.2.1, 5 years ago | 2.0 | 2014-Aug-26 | Library that simplifies creation of daemons for GNU/Linux and services for Windows. |
bindbc-wgpu | 0.22.0, 2 months ago | 2.0 | 2019-Oct-02 | D language binding to gfx-rs/wgpu |
grain | 0.1.1, 5 years ago | 2.0 | 2018-Jun-08 | autograd and dynamic neural networks library for D |
d_android | 0.1.1, 4 years ago | 2.0 | 2019-Dec-16 | Helper programs, instructions, and bindings for using D on Android |
glx-d | 1.1.0, 2 years ago | 2.0 | 2020-May-02 | GLX bindings for D Programming Language. |
asynchronous | 0.6.8, 6 years ago | 2.0 | 2015-Apr-25 | Asynchronous library for D |
armos | 0.2.6, 7 years ago | 2.0 | 2016-Jan-23 | Armos is a free and open source library for creative coding in D programming language. |
gccjitd | 0.1.0, 9 years ago | 2.0 | 2015-Jan-21 | D bindings for libgccjit.so |
quantities | 0.11.0, 4 years ago | 2.0 | 2014-Jan-02 | A library to work with quantities and units |
fixedsizearray | 1.3.0, 3 years ago | 2.0 | 2016-Oct-06 | A fixed size array implementation |
vibedist | 0.0.2, 11 years ago | 2.0 | 2012-Oct-24 | Load-balancer and virtual host manager for vibe.d |
drepl | 0.2.1, 6 years ago | 2.0 | 2016-Jun-08 | A D interpreter. |
gelfd | 1.3.3, 7 years ago | 2.0 | 2015-Nov-12 | GELF protocol for D. |
digger | 3.0.9, a year ago | 2.0 | 2016-Sep-30 | A tool to build D and bisect old D versions |
ocean | 6.2.0, 3 years ago | 2.0 | 2019-Dec-19 | Ocean is general purpose library with a focus on supporting the development of high-performance, r… |
derelict-vulkan | 0.0.20, 6 years ago | 2.0 | 2016-Feb-16 | A dynamic binding to the vulkan api. |
avgtime | 0.5.0, 10 years ago | 2.0 | 2014-Nov-10 | Like unix 'time' command, but with repetitions, median, std deviation. |
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Displaying results 301 to 350 of 2497 packages found.
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