Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
glui 0.5.2, 2 years ago 0.32021-Mar-13A simple UI library designed for IsodiTools and Samerion
glustercli 0.2.0, 28 days ago 0.52019-Aug-26D language bindings for Gluster FS CLI
glx-d 1.1.0, 2 years ago 2.02020-May-02GLX bindings for D Programming Language.
gmp-d 0.2.17, 2 years ago 1.72017-Jan-23High-level wrapper for GNU MP (GMP)
gnuplot-crafter 0.2.1, 8 years ago 0.32016-Sep-06A library that provides utilities to generate gnuplot data files.
gnuplotd 0.0.7, 6 years ago 0.52018-May-08A simplistic binding for gnuplot manipulation via pipes
godot-d 0.1.14, 3 years ago 2.22018-Mar-17Godot game engine language bindings
godot-dlang 0.7.0, a month ago 1.62022-Nov-06D bindings for godot
gogga 3.1.1, 3 months ago 3.02020-Oct-29Plug-and-play colorful VT100 logging for your terminal
goinsu 0.2.1, 5 years ago 0.02017-Sep-16Switch user, group and execute a program
golem 0.12.0, 2 years ago 1.52020-Oct-06A simple tensor library for the computational graph on CPU
gperftools_d 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.92017-Mar-29D bindings for gperftools
gpgerror-d 1.17.0, 9 years ago 0.02015-Nov-13D Programming Language binding for libgpg-error.
gpgme-d 1.6.0, 9 years ago 0.02015-Nov-13D Programming Language binding for GPGME.
grain 0.1.1, 5 years ago 2.02018-Jun-08autograd and dynamic neural networks library for D
grape ~master, 10 years ago 0.92014-Apr-26Cross-Platform 3D Game Library for D
graphite 1.6.0, 9 years ago 1.22014-Feb-01Matrix, Graphic, Twitter Library for D.
graphqld 5.1.6, 2 months ago 3.92019-Feb-25A library to handle the GraphQL Protocol
grimoire 0.8.1, a year ago 1.92018-Apr-25A fast, concurrent based scripting language for D
groonga-d 0.0.2-dev, 5 years ago 1.62019-Oct-25D bindings for groonga.

Displaying results 1031 to 1050 of 2480 packages found.

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