Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
tango 1.0.7+2.102.2, 9 months ago 2.22013-Nov-13A large general-purpose library. A port of the D1 Tango library.
dlisp 0.52.0, 9 months ago 0.02023-Oct-04DLisp is an implementation of a Lisp dialect written in D.
webview 0.1.1, 9 months ago 0.12023-Aug-30Binding for a tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs
database 1.2.1, 9 months ago 1.52019-Jun-19Lightweight native MySQL/MariaDB & PostgreSQL driver
inflect 1.0.0, 9 months ago 0.32023-Oct-03A inflection library in D
tristanable 4.1.2-beta, 9 months ago 0.22020-Jun-21Tristanable network message queuing framework
bformat 5.0.0, 9 months ago 0.22023-Mar-25A simple message format for automatically length-prefixing messages over any socket or stream
d_imgui 1.89.7, 9 months ago 1.72020-Jun-14Port of Dear Imgui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface with minimal dependencies
objc 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.32023-Sep-30Static bindings to Apple's Objective C runtime.
game-mixer 1.1.2, 10 months ago 1.22021-Aug-21Sound API for your game
implicit-context 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.12023-Sep-29What if I told you that you could could have implicit parameters in D?
organya 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.62022-Nov-15PIXEL's organya audio format
piyopiyo 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.62022-Nov-15PIXEL's piyopiyo audio format
simplesoftmix 0.0.0, 10 months ago 0.32023-Sep-26A simple software audio mixer.
darkersky 0.0.0, 10 months ago 0.32023-Sep-26Interface to Pirate Weather's Dark Sky API
open-api 0.3.1-beta.4, 10 months ago 1.32018-Apr-03An OpenApi implementation for D.
tanya 0.19.0, 10 months ago 1.42016-Aug-24@nogc library. Containers, networking, metaprogramming, memory management, utilities
dscanner 0.16.0-beta.4, 10 months ago 4.82014-Feb-15Swiss-army knife for D source code
doppler 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.32023-Sep-24D bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
libnotify-d 1.0.0, 10 months ago 0.42023-Sep-20libnotify wrapper for D
io 0.3.5, 10 months ago 1.82018-Feb-28Core I/O functionality.
dserial 0.0.3, 10 months ago 0.52022-Sep-27A (linux) serial port implementation that supports blocking IO
resusage 0.4.0, 10 months ago 1.52015-Jun-08Virtual memory, RAM, CPU usage by system or process
daplt 1.0.1, 10 months ago 0.52023-Sep-05D wrapper to Plutonium C API
openssl 3.3.3, 10 months ago 4.92013-Apr-27Deimos bindings for the OpenSSL cryptographic library
tailwind-d 1.0.2, 10 months ago 0.32023-Sep-13Tailwind for D lang
minerva 1.0.0, 10 months ago 0.02021-Sep-25Small linear algebra library.
deetween 0.0.6, 10 months ago 0.42023-Jul-30A cool animation library for the D programming language.
styx2000 1.0.10, 10 months ago 1.02021-Aug-30Low-level, minimal implementation of Styx protocol (9P protocol from Plan 9/Inferno)
bindbc-nodave 0.6.0, 10 months ago 0.52021-Oct-13Dynamic and static bindings to Nodave, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
fswatch 0.6.1, 10 months ago 1.72016-Jul-18a cross-platform folder & file watching library using win32, inotify or std.file
ip2location-io-d 1.0.0, 10 months ago 0.72023-Sep-06IP2Location.io D Library
crypto 0.2.18, 10 months ago 2.52018-May-30A D Library of encrypto, decrypto(3DES, AES, TEA, RSA...), encode, hash, and message digital signa…
gettext 1.0.8, 10 months ago 1.32022-Jul-08Internationalization compatible with the GNU gettext utilities.
pegged 0.4.9, 10 months ago 4.52013-Mar-08Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) generator
libsodium-crypto 0.1.0, 10 months ago 0.52022-Oct-17Libsodium-based cryptographic primitives, including Cruve25519, Blake2b, and Schnorr signatures
pc4d 1.0.10, 11 months ago 0.72015-Nov-10A parser combinator library.
ultralight 0.3.0, 11 months ago 0.12023-Aug-29Lightweight, high-performance HTML renderer for game and app developers
dxml 0.4.4, 11 months ago 4.32018-Feb-09An XML parser and writer written in D.
sol-d 0.1.0, 11 months ago 0.42023-Aug-27a tiny crypto library
libfive 0.1.0, 11 months ago 0.12023-Aug-27D bindings to libfive, a library and set of tools for solid modeling, especially suited for parame…
mud 0.3.0, 11 months ago 1.12021-Mar-01Maple's Utility for D
sd 0.0.2, 11 months ago 0.42023-Aug-24D library for versatile object serialization/deserialization, supporting integral types, arrays, a…
d-properties 1.0.5, 11 months ago 0.72021-Oct-01D-language parser and serializer for Java-style properties files.
appbase 0.1.33, 11 months ago 1.02019-Aug-01App public infrastructure.
theprocess 0.0.5, 11 months ago 0.52023-Jul-11The easy way to run external commands
dast 0.1.5, 11 months ago 0.22023-Feb-28A flexible, lightweight framework for D programming language.
seb 0.3.1, 11 months ago 0.72023-Aug-14Simple event bus — The simple thread-safety multithreaded event system
ctod 1.0.4, 11 months ago 1.92022-Oct-13C to D translator
jcli 0.25.0-beta.3, 11 months ago 2.62019-Mar-31A fully featured CLI framework for D

Displaying results 331 to 380 of 2480 packages found.

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