Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
gperftools_d 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.92017-Mar-29D bindings for gperftools
iota 0.3.0-beta.2, a month ago 0.92021-Dec-21Multimedia I/O library for D
addle 0.1.0, 4 years ago 0.92020-Jun-21Argument-dependent lookup for extension methods
potcake 0.5.0, 8 months ago 0.92023-Jul-15An easy to live with, sensible, and dependable web framework.
mime 0.5.2, 4 years ago 0.92015-Aug-14Shared MIME-info Database specification implementation
awebview 0.9.1, 9 years ago 0.92015-Mar-14Awesomium wrapper and WebView GUI library for D programming language.
openapi-client 2.1.1, 8 months ago 0.92022-Dec-31Produces HTTP client code from an OpenAPI Specification.
dgpio 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.92016-Feb-01Tiny GPIO control library for single board computers
dguihub 0.1.2, 7 years ago 0.92017-Feb-10A graphic library for Windows (github version).
corpushashd 0.3.2, 4 years ago 0.92020-Feb-14D implementation of python corpushash. A library to generate hashed versions of a document corpus,…
pgsql-lited 0.0.7, 5 years ago 0.92018-Jul-31Lightweight native PostgreSQL driver
dmathgl 0.1.3, 7 years ago 0.92015-Mar-17bindings and D wrappers for mathgl
pattern 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.92016-Mar-20Templated types for string pattern matching and lexers.
libdjson 1.0.1, 9 years ago 0.92013-Nov-20A D1/D2/Tango/Phobos/Phobos2 compatible JSON parsing and generation library
grape ~master, 10 years ago 0.92014-Apr-26Cross-Platform 3D Game Library for D
vibed-rest-axios 0.1.0, 5 years ago 0.92019-May-19Generator of Rest API JS ES6 client with Axios for Vibe.d
openldap 0.0.3, a year ago 0.92015-Dec-26openldap minimal binding
sel-level 0.1.0, 6 years ago 0.92018-Oct-07Level reader for Minecraft worlds
vibe_recaptcha 1.0.0, 11 years ago 0.92013-Dec-03Implementation of Google's reCAPTCHA service in Vibe.d
magic-d 1.0.2, 8 years ago 0.92014-Nov-26D binding around magic number recognition library
bindbc-nanovg 0.0.1, 4 years ago 0.92020-Apr-19Dynamic and static bindings to nanovg, compatible with -betterC, nogc, and nothrow.
libcerf 1.4.2, 7 years ago 0.92014-Sep-22Self-contained numeric library that provides an efficient and accurate implementation of complex e…
ppyd 0.2.0, 4 years ago 0.92015-Jun-30Pretty API wrapper for pyd
dusybox 0.2.2, 5 years ago 0.92017-Sep-09My own busybox
sel-client 0.2.0, 6 years ago 0.92017-May-31Libraries for the creation of Minecraft (Bedrock Engine) and Minecraft: Java Edition clients
deint 0.3.3, 5 years ago 0.92018-Jul-10Double Exponential Numerical Integration Library
lmdb_d 0.3.4, 4 years ago 0.92018-Nov-09A D language binding for the lmdb library.
hunt-console 0.4.0, 3 years ago 0.92020-Mar-19The Console component allows you to create command-line commands.
dbal 0.0.10, 7 years ago 0.82017-Aug-24Database Abstraction Layer, can construct SQL statements.
stb 2.0.3, a year ago 0.82018-May-05stb bindings for D
a4g 0.1.0, 10 years ago 0.82014-Dec-07A4G is an open source library to allow game developers a simple way to add analytics to a game
sci 0.0.0, 9 years ago 0.82015-Dec-31Reserved For Future Use
couched ~master, 10 years ago 0.82014-Feb-24CouchDB client
redlock 0.0.2, 6 years ago 0.82018-Mar-13Distributed locks with Redis
dmaxminddb 0.1.2, 9 years ago 0.82015-Jun-12A reader library for MaxMind's GeoLite2 databases
oswald 0.12.0, 4 years ago 0.82017-Aug-05OS Window Abstraction Library in D
asciitable 0.0.14, 2 years ago 0.82018-Jan-28A simple asciitable.
rebindable 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.82021-Sep-29D data structures that work for any type.
mir-toml 0.1.1, 2 years ago 0.82022-Nov-29a mir-ion (de)serialization frontend for TOML files
dopenvg 0.0.3, 9 years ago 0.82015-Apr-03OpenVG test project
dirimere 0.5.0, 4 years ago 0.82020-Mar-17Local dependencies for dub projects.
uritemplate 1.0.0, 3 years ago 0.82021-May-07RFC 6570 URI Template expansion implementation
d-nv 0.0.1, 7 years ago 0.82017-Oct-27NVRTC wrapper for D
libtun 0.0.19, 2 years ago 0.82021-Jul-21TUN adapter for D
more 1.0.0, 10 years ago 0.82014-Aug-07A library of D code
d-open-location-code 1.0.1, 4 years ago 0.82020-Jan-08port of google's open-location-code (also known as Plus+Codes)
tupleops 0.0.4, 6 years ago 0.82018-Nov-15typecons operations
sockjsclient-d 0.2.0, 10 years ago 0.82014-Mar-22sockJsClient for D
derelict-alure 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 0.82014-Feb-28A dynamic binding to the ALURE library.
libsoundio 1.1.0+2.0.0, 5 years ago 0.82018-Apr-08Binding for libsoundio 1.1.0 and 2.0.0
evalex 0.0.2, 5 months ago 0.82024-Feb-15A small library for evaluating mathematical expressions in strings.
sharedlib 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-May-27Dynamic linking and loading utilities
divide 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.82017-May-14A port of libdivide to D (with appropriate D APIs, like ctor and operator overloading)
easyenum 1.0.0, 9 years ago 0.82015-Nov-30Functions for easily handling long enum operations.
mongostore 1.2.1, 7 years ago 0.82015-Oct-31SessionStore for MongoDB
tweetnacl 0.0.1, 8 years ago 0.82016-May-03D port of tweetnacl
dcheck 0.1.0, 10 years ago 0.82014-Mar-27Library for generating random data sets and automated checking of test constraints
perfect-hash 1.0.2, 4 years ago 0.82020-Jan-15Library to create perfect hash function
dsh 1.6.1, 2 years ago 0.82023-May-24Library for writing D scripts.
desmath 0.2.5, 8 years ago 0.82015-May-31D Extended Set Math
webd 0.0.2, 6 years ago 0.82018-Mar-05Open-source & Free CMS/E-commerce/Intranet System based on Diamond MVC.
hunt-pool 1.2.0, 3 years ago 0.82019-Jul-23A common object pooling library.
handlebars 0.3.1, a year ago 0.82019-Apr-14A template library compatible with handlebars.js
lu 2.2.0, 6 months ago 0.82019-Sep-06Library of reusable miscellanea
vest 0.1.2, 2 years ago 0.82018-Apr-30Dlang tools
termcolor-d 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.82018-Nov-21Colorize writeln(...) output
hap 1.0.0-rc.2.1, 10 years ago 0.82014-Jun-08A next-gen replacement for std.random that implements RNGs as reference types
dests 0.3.1, 4 years ago 0.82015-May-30D Extended Set Test Suite: minimal
linenoise 1.1.0+1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.82014-Jan-28A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit.
nvimhost 1.1.1, 5 years ago 0.82018-Dec-31Nvim (neovim) host provider and API client library.
chloride 0.2.1, 7 years ago 0.82016-Apr-15D friendly wrapper around libsodium
yamkeys 0.1.1, 8 years ago 0.82013-Sep-24A runtime configuration management utility
bmfont 0.2.0, 4 years ago 0.82016-Mar-29Parser for font files generated using AngelCode Bitmap Font Generator
node_dlang 0.4.12, 3 years ago 0.82020-Jul-31Native NodeJS® module creator
retrograde 0.0.0, 7 years ago 0.82017-Sep-04The Retrograde Game Engine
fcgid 0.0.2, 9 years ago 0.82015-Dec-01Cross-platform FastCGI library for the D language.
fpdf 1.0.2, 9 years ago 0.82015-Jan-08Minimalist class for generating PDF documents.
thrift-d 0.1.1, 6 years ago 0.82017-Sep-01D library for Apache Thrift RPC system
dexcel 1.0.2, 9 years ago 0.82015-Sep-29Bindings to libxlsxwriter
national-encoding 1.0.0, 9 years ago 0.82015-Oct-29Support for onebyte nation encodings
zconfig 1.1.3, 2 years ago 0.82021-Jun-23A simple config file generator and parser
zthor 2.1.0, 4 months ago 0.82021-Nov-28Library to interact with the THOR file format used as patch files for the game Ragnarok Online
string-transform-d 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-Jan-31Library to perform basic string transforms (camelCase, snake_case and plurals)
evinced 3.38.0, 4 years ago 0.82020-Jun-20D bindings to Evince (GNOME's Document viewer)
dutils-validation 1.1.1, 2 years ago 0.82020-May-12Validation annotations for dlang structs
lbfgsd 1.1.0, 4 years ago 0.82020-Jul-11A L-BFGS Solver
detached 0.1.7, 7 years ago 0.82016-Sep-14Spawn detached processes with no need to wait on them
bindbc-opencl 0.1.1, 4 months ago 0.82022-Sep-28D language binding to OpenCL
chimpfella 0.0.1, 4 years ago 0.82020-Dec-19Performance
xapian-d 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.82018-Oct-09veda storage third party libs
mazzuma 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.82018-May-09Mazzuma mobile money payment API
dhdf5-simple 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.82016-Apr-25A minimal D application.
ddata 0.0.9, 5 years ago 0.82019-Jul-12Data library for D
framed 1.1.0, 4 years ago 0.82020-Aug-23Provides a system-independent framebuffer to draw pixels in
handle 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.82016-Apr-17D library for handles
depend 0.4.0, 3 years ago 0.82015-May-01Dependency Tool for D
tagged_union 1.2.0, 8 years ago 0.82015-Jul-09Simple std.variant : Algebraic alternative
skeleton 0.0.3, 9 years ago 0.82014-Sep-13Skeletal directory and file creational utility
socketrange 1.0.1, 8 years ago 0.82015-Dec-02Minimal range wrapper of socket
dubproxy 1.1.3, 4 years ago 0.82019-Aug-16A proxy for dub to allow local dependency resolution

Displaying results 991 to 1090 of 2480 packages found.

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