Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
dangel | 0.7.0, 4 years ago | 1.0 | 2020-Nov-09 | D AngelScript binding |
sqlite3 | 1.0.0, 7 years ago | 1.0 | 2017-Jun-12 | SQLite3 interface, designed with simplicity and compile time verification in mind. |
hunt-httpclient | 1.2.0, 3 years ago | 1.0 | 2020-May-22 | A simple HttpClient wrapper. |
libraw | 0.12.2, 6 months ago | 1.0 | 2020-Feb-13 | D bindings and binaries to libraw |
scrypt-d | 0.1.1, 11 years ago | 1.0 | 2013-Feb-28 | A D library for using the scrypt encryption function |
ar80 | 1.0.0, 3 years ago | 1.0 | 2021-Jun-09 | CP/M and MS-DOS library archiver. |
d-emacs-module | 0.0.1, 3 years ago | 1.0 | 2021-Dec-12 | Emacs dynamic modules in D |
elfhook | 0.2.0, 8 years ago | 1.0 | 2016-May-27 | monkey patching for shared object. |
vebtree | 0.13.1, 4 years ago | 1.0 | 2016-Feb-29 | A library for van Emde Boas tree |
dedcpu | 0.3.2, 8 years ago | 1.0 | 2015-Nov-20 | DCPU-16 tools |
natcmp | 1.3.3, 2 years ago | 1.0 | 2014-May-01 | Compare strings in a human-natural way. |
provaengine | 0.5.0-alpha, 6 years ago | 1.0 | 2017-Nov-08 | A game engine by TeamProva |
nanovg-d | 1.0.0, 9 years ago | 1.0 | 2015-Dec-17 | NanoVG porting for D |
dtiv | 0.0.3, 7 years ago | 1.0 | 2017-Oct-11 | Terminal image viewer |
repl | 0.0.1, 8 years ago | 1.0 | 2016-Feb-24 | read-eval-print-loop |
siryul | 0.8.15, 5 months ago | 1.0 | 2018-Oct-16 | A simple multi-format serialization library. |
dray-nuklear | 0.7.1, 4 months ago | 1.0 | 2022-Nov-11 | raylib-nuklear bindings for dlang |
gtk_d | 1.0.3, 2 years ago | 1.0 | 2021-Aug-29 | A full Gtk binding for D. |
dfuse | 0.5.0, 3 years ago | 1.0 | 2015-Jun-27 | A D binding for libfuse |
tiny-autodiff | 1.0.2, 8 months ago | 0.9 | 2024-Feb-03 | A tiny autograd library. |
derelict-fmod | 4.1.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-May-03 | A dynamic binding to the FMOD library. |
dietpc | 0.1.1, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Mar-24 | Diet pre-compilation system |
derelict-theora | 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-May-28 | A dynamic binding to libtheora. |
hunt-time | 1.2.0, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Apr-10 | A time library for D programming language. |
gtkui | 0.5.0, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Oct-22 | Aux library for writing GTK-interface program |
minlog | 4.1.0, 8 months ago | 0.9 | 2022-Jun-08 | minimal logger |
libtomcrypt | 0.1.0, 10 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-May-12 | Bindings for libtomcrypt, a fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit that … |
d-libldap | 0.0.3, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Dec-16 | A basic wrapper around C libldap |
meta | 0.0.1, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-May-29 | compile-time list manipulation with type-level functions and metafunctions |
variantconfig | 1.1.5, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Jul-13 | A key/value config file format |
mcrcd | 2.0.0, 10 months ago | 0.9 | 2015-Jun-09 | A tiny Minecraft Rcon library for D |
diopipe | 0.0.1, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Mar-30 | A small library for running programs with redirected input and output, written in D. |
vibe-pyd | 0.0.1, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Apr-14 | utilities for using vibe.d and pyd together |
hexd | 1.0.0, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2021-Mar-20 | A simple hexdump utility. |
sdpc | 0.1.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Jun-13 | Stupid D parser combinator |
alsa-lib | 1.0.1+, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Jan-24 | Deimos Bindings for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) library. |
lapacke | ~master, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-May-27 | D bindings for lapacke |
openwebif-client-d | 0.1.6, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jan-02 | openwebif interface written in dlang using vibe.d |
stdxdecimal | 0.5.0, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Dec-02 | Proposal for a General Decimal Arithmetic type to Phobos |
derelict-mono | 1.1.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jun-03 | Bindings of Mono's C API to D |
logger | 2.66.0, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-May-10 | Phobos logger proposal |
appbase | 0.1.33, a year ago | 0.9 | 2019-Aug-01 | App public infrastructure. |
base32 | 0.2.0, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Apr-24 | RFC 4648 base32 encoding / decoding. |
topleaked | 0.0.3, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Jul-29 | A tool for searching memory leaks in core dumps |
path-matcher | 1.2.0, 7 months ago | 0.9 | 2023-Oct-18 | Simple library for matching URLs to patterns, using a limited syntax. |
libmecab | 1.0.0, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Jul-24 | A wrapper for MeCab |
fluentsqlite | 0.1.5, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2021-May-09 | A wrapper for SQLite to use a fluent interface for creating SQL queries. |
m3 | 0.0.7, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Feb-24 | manual memory management for the D programming language |
d-import-sort | 0.0.4, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2021-Nov-22 | A D script for sorting import statements. |
openvr | 0.0.1, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Jun-15 | Bindings for Valve's C++ OpenVR library (1.11.11) for making virtual reality applications |
gauthenticator | 0.0.2, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Feb-27 | Act as google authenticator device |
d-speech | 0.0.1, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Apr-16 | speech processing toolkit for D |
dvec | 0.0.7, 2 years ago | 0.9 | 2022-Apr-04 | Library for extremely lightweight vector and matrix operations. |
trial | 0.8.0-beta.5, a year ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jun-11 | The extensible test runner for DLang |
roaring | 0.2.1, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Apr-08 | Roaring Bitmaps for D |
capstone-d | 2.1.1, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Oct-18 | D bindings for the Capstone disassembly framework |
joka | 0.0.12, 22 days ago | 0.9 | 2024-Aug-08 | A simple nogc utility library for the D programming language. |
bitblob | 2.3.0, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Dec-07 | A small library to represent hash types as value types |
rocksdb | 0.0.7, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jan-13 | A D binding to rocksdb |
geany_dlang | 0.0.6, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jul-03 | Geany D language support plugin |
dsdl2 | 0.2.1-beta, 2 months ago | 0.9 | 2023-Jun-21 | An OO high level wrapper for SDL2 with bindbc-sdl in the D programming language around bindbc-sdl. |
simple-stupid-object-notation | 2.0.1, 12 months ago | 0.9 | 2023-Nov-17 | A polymorphic file configuration format optimised for manually typing data |
gfm7 | 2.0.0, 4 months ago | 0.9 | 2020-Mar-18 | D gamedev toolkit. OpenGL/SDL wrapper |
metacall | 0.0.3, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Aug-04 | A library for providing inter-language foreign function interface calls |
qcheck | 0.1.1, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-Oct-14 | A library for automatic randomized testing. |
bin2d | 0.2.1, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Dec-15 | A tool that enables files to be compiled into an executable and extracted at startup. |
extendedlogger | 1.0.1, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Jun-12 | Some usefull extensions for std.experimental.logger |
hexchatd | 0.1.2, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Sep-08 | HexChat plugin interface for the D programming language |
dango | 0.2.6, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Jun-19 | The library for constructing applications. |
file2d | 0.0.1, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Oct-08 | simple tool to create embedable files in #dlang |
bindbc-kiwi | 0.0.2, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Oct-25 | Dynamic bindings to KiWi, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow. |
ddocs-org | 0.1.3, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-Feb-12 | Implementation of the ddocs.org site |
modernui | 0.0.1, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Jun-07 | A minimal D application. |
dsnapshot | 0.1.4, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Jul-18 | An application usign rsync for rolling backups and encfs for encryption |
emu6502 | 1.1.0, 2 years ago | 0.9 | 2022-Oct-16 | Emulator for the MOS 6502 Microprocessor in D |
betterclist | 0.2.2, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2020-Dec-22 | Dynamic list backed by array compatible with betterC |
stemmer | 0.3.0, a year ago | 0.9 | 2018-Mar-21 | A stemmer library for D programming language |
mir-pybuffer | 0.2.0, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Apr-02 | mir-numpy connection example |
dguihub | 0.1.2, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Feb-10 | A graphic library for Windows (github version). |
librdkafka-d | 0.3.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Nov-27 | OOP wrapper for librdkafka |
_ | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Mar-24 | TBA |
cruddyorm | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Feb-18 | A cruddy ORM for vibe and postgresql |
ip2proxy-d | 3.3.0, 2 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Jun-29 | IP2Proxy D Library |
hunt-trace | 0.2.0, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Jan-17 | zipkin core lib for hunt |
libstemmerd | 1.0.1, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Mar-23 | libstemmer binding for d programming language |
forever-d | 0.1.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2013-Oct-27 | Ensures that a given program runs continuously |
webidl-grammar | 0.0.8, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Jan-04 | WebIDL grammar using pegged. |
derelict-il | 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2013-Dec-18 | A dynamic binding to the DevIL library. |
orderedmap | 0.0.2, 10 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-Jul-11 | A simple ordered map implementation. |
pathlib | 0.3.0, 9 years ago | 0.9 | 2015-May-22 | Object oriented path manipulation. |
idl2d | 2.0.0, 3 years ago | 0.9 | 2021-Oct-04 | Helper for converting Microsoft IDL files to D extracted from https://github.com/dlang/visuald/tre… |
imageinverter | 1.0.0, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Aug-06 | Light icon -> dark icon converter |
gamut | 3.1.1, 24 days ago | 0.9 | 2022-Jul-03 | Image library. Decoders/encoders for PNG, TGA, BMP, JPEG, JPEG XL, DDS, GIF, QOI, QOIX. 16-bit sup… |
dfl2 | 1.0.7, 10 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-Oct-14 | dfl2 is a GUI library for Windows,now it can be built by dco, DUB or Visual Studio .NET(such as VS… |
easymeshed | 0.0.5, 8 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Oct-20 | D implementation of easyMesh |
open-api | 0.3.1-beta.4, a year ago | 0.9 | 2018-Apr-03 | An OpenApi implementation for D. |
dstatsd | 0.9.1, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2016-Oct-07 | A Client for etsy statsd |
kwargs | 0.0.2, 5 years ago | 0.9 | 2019-Feb-11 | Strongly typed keyword arguments |
newaa | 0.0.1, 2 years ago | 0.9 | 2022-May-11 | Associative Array library that mirrors druntime, but is fully templated |
derelict-physfs | 3.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago | 0.9 | 2013-Aug-18 | A dynamic binding to the PhysicsFS library. |
Displaying results 901 to 1000 of 2498 packages found.
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